Ringin' in Spring 2013

This baby loves the fresh air! On the first (and only) day of Spring this year, we took Briggy to Washington Township Park to join the other thousands of children that have been cooped up all winter. I almost forgot how much he loves to swing. 

His favorite activity was climbing up and down and up and down the stairs to the slide. He would have been content if we let him do that all day. We are so anxious for more warm weather. In the meantime, I'll try talking Ryan into moving south so we can take part in these outdoor activities year-round. :)

Fun with Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom was one of my favorite Christmas presents I received this year. So much possibility! However, I am just now getting to play around with it. I have SO much to learn and have so many ideas but just don't know how to get there quite yet. 

I have been watching some of Lightroom's video tutorials, but I still feel overloaded.  Is that the best way to learn though? I wish it came with an instruction manual...ahhh! help!

Here I was playing around with some of the "Cabin Fever" pictures from the other day. Doesn't it make him look like a different boy? My little model baby!

Cabin Fever 2013

Does anyone else have a major case of the winter blues? We are going crazy over here in the Robinson household! We might brave a mini walk if it gets up to 35 degrees...but my goodness! Today is March and I don't see the end in sight! Briggs is ready for the park and Lola is ready for some exercise (our little pup has put on a few winter pounds too)!

So in the meantime, Briggs has come up with a few of his own indoor games. But we are running out of ideas! Spring and sunshine, we are ready for you any day!
Hi Mom! I see you!

No more socks, please.

Get me out of this place!

Briggsy kisses for his baby bear.

Hello in there!

My personal sunshine