Kolly baby is five months old! She's as happy as ever and has changed a lot this month. The transition from four to five months was a big one for her. She seems to have gone from an infant, who sleeps all the time, can only lay down to play...to full-on curious, playful, sitting up, babbling, grabbing, giggling big girl. My chest tightens at the thought of her growing, but its such a wonderful thing to see her growing, learning and thriving.
My girl with her silly little grin.
Kolly's not risking any pinches this month ;-)
Her growth collage! I'm thinking she's looking more like Baby Briggy now more than ever.
More photos from our what was supposed to be just Kolly's five month shoot:
They can't help themselves. They love her so much.
My <3 times THREE
Kolly's life in a nutshell. Someone's always touching, squeezing, kissing or wallowing on her.
And if y'all don't know Kerigan.......this is the essence of my second born.
Spontaneous snuggles with mama. Legos and all.
Giving Kollyns some lovin'
They light up my life!
Happy Five Month, Kollyns Sophie! You brighten all our days, girlfriend.