Hi friends! Meet our little eight month old! She's a bee-boppin', face-kissin', happy little peep.
At 8 months, she is finally eating baby foods on a daily basis. She wasn't quite ready for this venture last month. Home girl was pretty content with just breast milk for a while. I think I forgot to mention at 7 months (another milestone) her two bottom teeth broke through her gums- The first one came through literally the day she turned 7 months old. It took her the whole month to get used to them. She's chewing on everything. But now, she is understanding how to eat baby puffs, scrambled eggs, and yogurt bites despite not having any more chompers.
She is a bit more on a schedule- two naps a day consistently. This is probably because she parties so hard while she is awake. If I put her down on the floor, she immediately darts towards Briggs's toys (not hers) or Briggs himself. She doesn't make a lot of racket, so she accomplishes getting a hold of what she wants so sneakily which often gets us doubled over in laughter because of the nonsense that goes on between Briggs confronting her about her shenanigans. She is a stealth baby.
Work is really picking up for me, hence, the late and back-dated posts. I have her pictures, I am just getting caught up on all her accomplishments. It's funny because I was SO good about recording every tiny thing that Briggs accomplished over his first year of life- but being a girl, Kerigan will probably care a lot more to go back and read what her mom had to say. The poor girl will get a fraction of written entries compared to what Briggs had. I'm trying to catch up, baby girl. Even though I am not a second child, I do believe that #secondchildproblems is in fact, a real thing. Perhaps you and your dad can bond over this in the future.
Life is good though. We are all trying to keep a healthy balance of work and family. I am turning a lot of things down, not because I don't want to go on play dates or have an extra photo session- but because these precious months are so fleeting. I need to just "be" with my babies and my husband. In a few short months once the weather starts chilling up again (erg) work will slow down and the play dates, zoo trips, photography work can pick up again. Thank you to all my peeps for understanding- now go out and "be" with your loved ones. And give them a couple kisses while you're at it, because juicy baby smooches are exactly what Kissy Sissy is covering my face up with right now.
happy eight months, kissy sissy.