Happy Easter! We have been celebrating the Risen King all weekend. The kids really got into the spirit with hunting eggs, meeting the Easter bunny and learning about Jesus. After church on Sunday, Briggy kept yelling, "Jesus is Alive!"
The kids took part in three egg hunts! One in our neighborhood, one at our house after church and one at Yaya and Papa's Easter evening. For them, it was more about the hunt than the prizes inside. On the outside of the eggs, we wrote little messages about Jesus or easy Bible versus Briggs could repeat.
I truly love Easter. It's the time to celebrate the most wonderful event that ever took place. Teaching our kids the true meaning of Easter and God's love for them is the priority for us. We always want them to have fun with the childhood traditions but will always emphasize the true meaning and take every opportunity to teach about Christ's love. Spring represents Easter and new life. And spring has sprung! So thankful for grace and renewal. We pray that you all took time to pray and reflect on the magnitude of this day.
One of my favorite writers said about Easter, "Happy Salvation! Today represents the greatest proof of His radical love for you. His love is victorious; for you have been bought at the highest price, you are loved & you are SAVED!
So on this Easter Sunday, Happy Salvation! This is how we celebrated:
The kids aren't too sure about the bunny. Briggy's face reminds me of what I used to do whenever I would meet characters as a child. Just ask my parents about my first visit to Chuck E Cheese. ;-)

The goodies from the Easter Bunny.
Briggs & Kerigan following the trail the Easter Bunny left them. He is so stinkin' sweet to her! And she is SO close to walking, she can taste it!
Easter fun with Yaya and Papa! (And Easter ears from the dollar section at Target-my fave!)
A video that rounds up the hunts & other Easter celebrations.

I am thankful for the soul-stirring, life-changing, faith-building year it's been. Humbled by the cross and His grace. We hope you've had the happiest of Easters celebrating the Resurrection!
He lives!