We had a November to remember! We were busy with birthdays (Kara and Kerigan), gymnastics, Ryan's flag football, Thanksgiving and crazy weather. We would wear shorts one day and then the next...snow!
This is what the kids are up to this month:
- Sis turned two! And with turning two...came attiTWOde. So the time out corner has been frequented more...but we love a girl with spirit.
- Kerigan has decided that she's ready to start potty training. I was going to wait until the summer. But she's ready.
- Briggs is loving Scout videos right now. His favorite is the phonics farm version. It's on youtube and netflix. win/win. He makes motions to all the songs.
- Briggs is now a teenager, apparently. He has all of a sudden developed an adventurous and independent spirit. It's okay...but my timid little boy is growing up.
- Kerigan's vocabulary is exploding. Some of her words I still have to interpret for others but she's a gabster now.
- She still loves to sing. She got a little karaoke machine for her birthday and she never puts it down.
- Briggs came with us the day after Thanksgiving to attend Kerigan's and Kinsie's first movie at the the theatre...The Good Dinosaur. The girls did really well, actually.
Some of the Indy(ish) Vargas crew at Thanksgiving
Here is our November video. Love you all!