Christmas cards should be on their way! With a newborn around, I was only able to send out about half as many cards as I wanted to- so in case I didn't get to you...Merry Christmas from the Robinsons! We love you all and remember Jesus is the Reason! Or as Briggs says, "Happy Birttday, Jesush!!"
Miss Kerigan is One Month Old!
Our baby is one month old! Little Miss Kerigan has been an absolute joy to get to know this last month. It's amazing how you can learn so much about a tiny person's demeanor so quickly. She is such a laid back baby- definitely takes after her daddy's go-with-the-flow attitude. Thank goodness too, because it took a solid two weeks to help her big brother adjust to the new addition. Now after 4 weeks, and TONS of reassuring kisses, Briggs endearingly hugs and loves on his "itter" in between his playtime with choos choos and pirate ships.
What we have learned about Little KerBear this month:
- She's a chill babe
- She squeaks like a mouse a lot. So her newest nickname is Little Mouse or Mini Mouse
- She's eats every 3 to 4 hours then goes back to sleep. No big whoop for her. (Sometimes I even have to wake her for feedings)
- She let's mommy get a cumulative 8 hours of sleep....every night. WHAT?!
- She loves to snuggle with anyone and everyone.
- She has gained a whole 2 pounds and has lengthened by 1.5 inches!
- She likes her pacifier but can do without- (remember shes a go-with-the-flow kind of girl)
- She loves to shop...or at least I'm telling myself that because she'll sleep through it all.
- She has already had her first bottle so mommy and daddy could take brother to meet Santa on the Polar Express (and took it like a champ)
- She likes to hold hands with her big cousin, Kinsie.
- She has incredible neck strength and has been able to hold her neck up for 20 seconds+
- So far she doesn't mind all the blue stuff she has inherited, but I think Santa is planning on delivering a few girly items for our sweat pea
- She can already track people or objects with her eyes and head
- She already seems so aware- especially the last week or so
- She is a team player when it comes to helping Briggs adjust to sibling life.
Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz
Height: 20.5 in
5 Days Old
Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
Height: 21 in
1 Month
Weight: 8 lbs 13.5 oz (40th percentile)
Height: 22 in (90th percentile)
Looking at these pictures from when she was first born are astonishing for me. She looks like a baby now- not a newborn. I'm already loving who she is becoming. I am so thankful for her and my Briggle Wiggle- they are already such a good balance. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...
And here is a peak at her birth announcements: