Our little Briggs has become a wedding expert this year With my sister and two of my best friends getting hitched this summer/fall, he really hasn't had much of choice. It seems like every weekend we have had either a wedding, shower, or bachelorette party and he has been planning and participating like a champ.
At Brittani's shower a couple of weeks ago, he participated in the games, charmed the ladies, and even managed to take a little snooze. This past weekend, I went up to Wisconsin at a lake house for Sadie's bachelorette party. I spent 2 whole nights away from the little bugger. While my heart ached for him the entire time I was gone, I know that it was needed for Briggs and Ryan. They needed some bonding time especially when he has been so attached to me lately (major separation anxiety issues).
I also left the weekend feeling completely refreshed. Sometimes I think as moms (or just women in general) we get so caught up in doing things for others that we forget about ourselves. The weekend with my girlfriends was such a rejuvenation of my spirit that in turn, I came back ready to conquer the world and be a better mom to the baby and a better wife to Ryan. It just goes to show how therapeutic some time with your girlfriends can be and to always stay balanced.
Here are some pictures from Briggs's shower participation at Brittani's a few weekends ago.
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