Today I went in for my 24 week check-up. 24 WEEKS. 6 MONTHS.
Heartbeat was 150. The child was crazy per usual.
How am I that far along? I'm telling you, the second pregnancy flies by. I remember checking every app, email and book on a daily basis to see how my baby was developing when I was pregnant with Briggs. I can already prove to you that I have documented less on this pregnancy. Having a lively 18 month old, being self-employed and trying to move to a new house is consuming my time- so let me take a breath to focus on the newest growing one for a moment.
Dear Little Robinson Bebe 2,
Allow me tell you a little more about you and this pregnancy. You are a miracle. There is nothing less miraculous about being pregnant with your second child than there is the first. We wanted and prayed for you since the moment Mommy and Daddy knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.
Your movements lately have transitioned from little taps or what I like to refer to them as "butterfly kisses" to a more powerful punch. I think you are getting a bit of meat on your bones in just the last few weeks. Besides mommy, only daddy and Grandma have felt you kick. Big brother Briggs kisses and rubs you every day and says "Baby" but he doesn't stay still long enough to feel you move- I'm sure you will follow suit someday. Although, I know you already love him because almost every time he sits on my lap, you start doing a happy dance.
I am finally allowing myself to really absorb the idea of becoming a family of four and I couldn't be more thrilled. There is a lot to do before you get here, but the important thing is that you keep growing big and strong because at the end of the day- you have an ABUNDANCE of love already here for you.
The pregnancy with you has been pretty different than the one with your big brother. You have unfortunately given mommy a lot more acne- or should I call it my baby glow? I don't know how tired I have been because I can only rest when your brother sleeps. (By the way, one of my favorite times of the day is when I first lay down at night- that's when I feel you moving around the most.) I am not as emotional this time around. I was going through some pretty big life changes when I was pregnant with Briggs. This time, I can better comprehend and appreciate the joy in my life- including our little family that you are already so warmly a part of.
Always remember baby, that while I love your brother with my whole heart- Love multiplies; it does not divide- so I have a whole other heart's worth of love already open for you.
Keep growing and I can't wait to give you kisses in November.
Right now, Big Brother Briggs is enjoying his last few months as a single child. We love taking random week nights to enjoy each other's company. These moments are the sweetest ones:
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