Happy HALF birthday Miss Kerigan!! Our girly, smiley, happy and all things glittery girl is six months old! Her personality is SHINING. For a while there I thought she would be my shy one, but she has proven herself to be quite the socialite.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can't believe that this is my life. If you know me to any degree, you know that I am essentially an optimist. Because optimism is part of my very essence, I don't blink an eye when it comes to taking my babies on adventures by myself (Ryan has been working a lot of hours + army obligations). The kids and I venture to the grocery store, the mall, the zoo, park, real estate appointments, pools, etc. Believe it or not, 99.9999999% its a success. We go prepared, we go with a positive attitude, we go with appropriate strollers and/or baby carriers...and the most crucial element- snacks. Then after our adventure, we come home and talk, learn, play, snuggle, eat, sleep. While all this is taking place, I think is this real life?
The joy of the Holy Spirit then washes over me and my soul bursts with warmth. Now, I'm not saying that we don't have our meltdowns, temper tantrums, exhausted babies or emergency doctor visits....but we take it with a grain of salt. A very good friend of mine once told me, THIS IS JUST A SEASON OF LIFE. Her advice penetrated my heart. With the wonderful, the good, the bad, and the ugly...this is a season.
This season, my Kerigan's personality is really showing itself. She is a happy little girly girl. She loves to spin like a ballerina in her jumperoo, she loves jewelry and anything sparkly. She thinks her puppy Lola is hilarious. She watches every move her brother makes. She loves that boy (as do I). Lately, she has really been into music. Right now, her favorite track is Jewel's lullaby soundtrack. She is definitely becoming a daddy's girl (both in her heart and in her looks). She can roll over from her tummy to her back and then vice versa. Her mode of transportation as of late, is barreling across the room. She is such a content little girl and as long as I give her a play mat or toys (or brother) she will sit and play while I make dinner or work on business. Her entire face lights up as soon as she hears my voice....and mine lights up too when I hear her squeals.
She is still a spitter....but as you will see, she's gaining weight. Just something we are still watching.
Now this really is real life....
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Going, Going....GONE! |
6 Months
Weight: 15 lbs 1 oz (40th percentile)
Height: 26.5 in (80th percentile)
And her brother...ahhh. I love this child. Lately, my sweet assistant has been giving the best kisses. He kisses me, daddy and Kerigan mostly. But he won't hesitate to share more if you ask. This kid helps me clean, he helps take care of his sister, he patiently eats his PB&J while we are in a 4x5 little nursing room at the zoo while I am attending to his sister. He craves learning and "reads" as much as he can. On rare occasions, we will let him stay out late and party with us and he rocks out like a champ. I.CANNOT.GET.ENOUGH.OF.THESE.CHILDREN.
There is so much joy to be felt every day with these two. Someday I hope they read this and appreciate how much their mommy enjoyed these precious moments with them. After all, this is for them. They will see how much I love the booboo kisses, the "spit up" shirts, the butterfly kisses, the toothless smiles, the umpteenth PB&J for the week, the play dates, the dance parties and the late night treats. This real life of ours....I'm soaking up every moment, day & season.
Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Kerigan! You add so much joy to our lives!
This is so sweet, Krista! Thanks for sharing!