This month, we have officially reached 30 weeks! 10 more until our due date.
In the meantime, we have had a wedding scheduled every weekend (which were all a ball), we closed and moved out of our house on Abundance, we temporarily moved in with my parents, we welcomed a new niece- Miss Kinsie Kay, all while raising a creative, hilarious and energetic toddler. Oh yes, I'm also still working full time.
It would be so easy to get caught up in all these major life events, however, those big brown eyes stop me in my tracks every time. He helps me stop and breathe and enjoy who he is right now.
He reminds me to not stress about everything I have to plan and do while fighting the urge to nest a home that we don't have possession of yet. He has uttered the phrase "love you" for the first time this month. How can you not stop and just melt after hearing those words for the first time?
He reminds me that although its all happening at once, all of these major events are wonderful things. He helps me find the joy in the small things too. I have made it a priority not to miss any of his music or soccer classes. I love our time together then because I put my phone and planning book (more like binder) away and just focus on my growing toddler.
They say your life gets crazier and more hectic when kids come along. However, who are the real culprits of making life so chaotic? Kids just want to be present with you. So mommy, put your distractions down and just be.
Big Brother loving "Baby" at 30 Weeks
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