Second trimester was finally here! No more nausea, my appetite would return and I would start feeling more like myself. Guess again.
Around 16 weeks I contracted the stomach flu. I honestly could not recover from it. It got so bad at one point, that I had to go to the hospital. It was a bit of a scare because I was so dehydrated that I was having extreme cramps in my abdomen. I wasn't sure at the time if it were my actual stomach or my uterus. I now believe that it was my stomach, but at the time I was terrified I was having contractions.
I was given 2 bags of fluids through iv and sent home. I still did not feel okay until I hit 18 weeks. So for a solid two weeks I was an exclusive member of the B.R.A.T. (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) diet.
Now I'm feeling much better. I am actually hungry again. I'm making sure I get plenty of fluids every day so that we don't have a scare like that again. However, my mom, my dad, my grandma and my husband are making sure I'm drinking plenty too. :)
In more exciting news, since about 17 weeks and a couple days, I have started to feel the baby! Right now it is just little tapping in my lower abdomen. It is the most amazing feeling. I can't wait until Ryan can feel the kicks on my belly so that he can share in the excitement with me!
I promised some belly pics from 18 weeks. Here are a couple.
Just one week later at almost 19 weeks, I feel like I am a lot bigger already. It is nice to finally see my belly growing because it brings so much reassurance to the fact that our little babe is growing too!
You look great!!