Broad Ripple Birthday

Yesterday was my 27th birthday. And I got exactly what I wanted....a day with my family. Ryan and I took the day off and went on a day trip to Broad Ripple. We walked the Monon, drank a beer at Broad Ripple Brew Pub and spent the afternoon at the park with our baby.

It's funny how much life can change in just a few short years. For my 24th birthday I went to Broad Ripple as well. However, it was at a very different time and for very different reasons. While I loved the "party" phase in my young twenties, I am much more content today. I have an inner peace and constant joy that I couldn't claim then. 

I realize that with every birthday will come a higher number in age and while sometimes that seems a little scary, yesterday showed me that it's okay that we are all growing up. It's a part of life. And I am living mine to the fullest with those I love most.


  1. Glad you had a great birthday with the ones you love most!!

  2. Can Briggs and I get a beer with you in B Rip when I get back?!!
