Yay Fri! I'm looking forward to a "mommy day" (as Briggs calls them) as we prep for Kerigan's bday party! As we've been preparing for her party, I've discovered some awesome faves this week:
Thanks to Kroger, my life is forever changed. Remember when I said I miserably failed at grocery shopping? Kroger has recently launched online shopping at 12 Indy locations. DREAMS COME TRUE. I can meal plan and shop from my computer (after babies have gone to bed) then reserve a time to pick up the next day. Once you arrive, they bring out your groceries and load up your car for you. You never go inside! Guys! I can't even describe how great this is for moms with small kids. My whole outlook on life has changed :-) Better shopper. Better meals. Better mom. Game changer. Thank you, Kroger!
School pictures. We got them back this week and....Ahhh! Stop the madness. Funny, cute, awkward shy...treasures for life :-)
Today marks the season opener for IU Men's Basketball!!!! We're just a little excited over here.
#hoohoohoo #candystripesfordays #ryaniscringingsomewhere #handsomehoosier
And as always, check out more favorites at Caffeinated Chaos.
Happy Friday! Go Hoosiers!
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