Our December 2015

December proved to be a wonderful month of celebration and family time. It was a good balance of busy and cozy. We started off with Polar Express, made a trip to Memphis, celebrated a lot of family birthdays, gave our fireplace a makeover, visited our family's farm and celebrated Jesus's birth all throughout. It was a pretty special month for our crew.

This is what the kids have been up to this month:
  • They have a new love for "warm" cocoa (not hot)
  • Briggs is really into Christmas movies. Especially Mickey ones.
  • He has really wanted to help...with everything. Baking, wrapping presents and stamping Christmas cards are his specialties
  • On the farm, he had special compassion for cow #10
  • Kerigan has been battling viruses here and there...but she came back on top by Christmas
  • They love practicing for their preschool Christmas programs
  • Learning about baby Jesus has made Kerigan especially obsessed with babies 
  • Every time we asked Briggs what he wants his new baby cousin to be, boy or girl, he responds "whatever it is" 
  • His favorite Christmas present and obsession is Disney Bingo. He would play it all day erryday if we let him.
  • Kerigan is still my little velcro. The only exceptions are her teacher, Miss Kendra and Yaya. She'll go to them. But daddy is working on softening her heart towards him. She'll come around...one day. 

Here is our video to celebrate this month:

We pray for a blessed 2016 for y'all. Happy New Year!

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