Fellowship Friday: She Reads Truth

Yay December! The most wonderful time of the year :-) I love the Spirit of Christmas, but this year, something's different. It's sinking in, guys. The magnitude of what this season brings.  Today's Fellowship Friday, I'm talking again about She Reads Truth. I've briefly mentioned it here a few months back. But since then, its gotten even better. 

As of November 29, the She Reads Truth community started their Advent study. And I'm falling more in love with my quiet time, the Word and our King. Through several studies, She Reads Truth has been a tool for me to dive deeper and understand more fully the passages. I want to get up in the morning to do my Bible study. It's sacred. I've never understood nor connected to a study like I have with SRT. Many studies have been great and I've learned a lot. But what I love about SRT is, its not someone's opinion. Its solely based on the Word. It digs deep. It makes sense. And the way it helps you memorize scripture, has been a love letter to my soul.  

And good news guys, there's a He Reads Truth community as well. The HRT community typically coincides with the SRT community's study. So what a great opportunity to study or discuss with our husbands. Ryan and I are doing this Advent study at the same time and then discussing at night. SRT has been such a blessing. I encourage you all, to take a look and try out a sample study. You won't regret it. <3

Merry Christmas!
*all photos in this post courtesy of shereadstruth.com


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