Happy Friday!
This week, I wanted to share with you what is inspiring me right now. These people, books and sites are what's encouraging me to pursue my days with a more loving heart and to dive deeper in the Word. This is who (and what) is help filling my cup lately :)
I love all things Shauna Niequest. Have I mentioned that before? ;-) She came out with a daily devotion earlier this year. If you're wanting to get into daily devotions-start here. I'll be the first to admit, after having kids, my time alone time with God was often put to the back burner. I'm not a morning person to begin with-so if I couldn't squeeze it in at night, it didn't happen. Then comes Shauna. She has helped me get back into the habit of starting my mornings with Jesus. They are one pagers...pray, read, pray. I've caught the morning devotion bug thanks to Savor.
Oh, Crowder, you've pleased my little worshipping soul for some time now. Our life group, went to the Air1 Positive Hits Tour last night. His style of song and worship does not disappoint. But my up and coming new favorite is Lauren Daigle...who was also on the tour. Her ballads....ahhh! And she's only 23 (I think?) My heart is singing very happy tunes today.
What I'm Reading:
I have a {big} birthday coming up and Ryan surprised me with an early present! I've had my eye on the Crossway Single Column Bible for a while now. There is space on the sides for writing down notes and interacting with the Word. I carry it wherever I go. I crave time with my Bible now.
photo courtesy of IG @soulscripts
Instagram friends:
My bff told me about #shereadstruth. It's an amazing concept. The SRT team has an app and an online (or print) daily devotion. Then you connect with an online community. They combine the devotion with beautiful photography + scripture overlays to help you memorize verses.
I'm currently tuned into the book of Daniel but my mom and sister are going to join me once the letters from Paul study begins in September.
My bff told me about #shereadstruth. It's an amazing concept. The SRT team has an app and an online (or print) daily devotion. Then you connect with an online community. They combine the devotion with beautiful photography + scripture overlays to help you memorize verses.
I'm currently tuned into the book of Daniel but my mom and sister are going to join me once the letters from Paul study begins in September.
My Church:
We have been attending TPCC now just under four years. A series of events led us here. And I know now, this is where God wants us to be right now. Our souls are being fed. There is an incredible community of brothers and sisters. The pastors have been hitting the sermons out of the park. There is love and there is accountability. This is a sermon from a couple weeks ago on grace and truth. So good. Traders Point live streams every Sunday at 9 and 11. Then on Mondays, sermons are posted for you to listen or watch at your convenience. So even when we're gone, we rarely miss our Sunday meal.
We have been attending TPCC now just under four years. A series of events led us here. And I know now, this is where God wants us to be right now. Our souls are being fed. There is an incredible community of brothers and sisters. The pastors have been hitting the sermons out of the park. There is love and there is accountability. This is a sermon from a couple weeks ago on grace and truth. So good. Traders Point live streams every Sunday at 9 and 11. Then on Mondays, sermons are posted for you to listen or watch at your convenience. So even when we're gone, we rarely miss our Sunday meal.
I'm so thankful for these influences God has put in my life. There are so many more. But I have been rambling to all my friends and family lately about what is inspiring me. So here it is. Links of love and all.
Have a great weekend!
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