Wow! October was busy but pretty special. We indulged in fall festivities but the highlight was definitely our trip to Florida. We loved the beach, water, warm weather, our day trip to see Mickey and getting to see Uncle Scotty. Then once we got back to Indiana, the fun didn't stop. Briggs got to take his first field trip to a farm, then his class had a circus day, and we ended the month with Halloween. Whew! We need a nap.
Here are some fun things the kids are up to this month:
- As mentioned above, Briggs took his first field trip. We got to ride a real yellow bus together too!
- The kids LOVED helping carve and paint pumpkins this year. You'll see in the video how much they got into it :)
- Kerigan is sassy as ever. She knows she's about to turn two because the "no" phase has begun
- Kerigan calls Briggs "BB" She can say Briggy but she like BB better. His name is Briggs Beto, so maybe she's just trendier than we are
- She's in an attachment phase right now. She wants to take her little Minnie and blanket everywhere
- Briggs is really into math right now. His favorite game right now is..."When I'm 7, Kerigan will be....5. Then when I'm 28, Kerigan will be.....26." And so on and so on and so on.
- The kids still love dancing and singing. This month, Kerigan's favorite songs are "Baby bumble bee, wheels on the bus and Jesus loves me"
The two best friends at Mickey's "Not so scary Halloween party"
Our first visit to the pumpkin patch...this one was in Bloomington
Trick-or Treat!
What a great month! Here are some of our favorite moments summed up in this video:
October was packed but I'm thankful we got to spend so much family time together. We are looking forward to a great November! And we're pumped fall weather is sticking around a bit long too :-)
Here's to the month of Thanksgiving!
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